K&A ANIMATION1.gif (39359 bytes)

Carbon Graphite
Hardened Steel


This is an example of a logo engraved in 2024 aluminum.
It is .020 deep 2.00 long and .750 tall.

The pool table shown here is engraved on aluminum that
was black anodized and then engraved. This provides for
excellent part identification on aluminum parts.

speedoplate.jpg (20034 bytes)

This is a plastic gas meter face, many plastics turn dark
gray to black depending on there composition, when
laser engraved. The computer keyboard on your computer
was most likely engraved this way as are the buttons in your

Fiberglass can also be engraved with excellent results.
This piece was engraved and then filled with
a white paint stick.

plusminus.jpg (25579 bytes) heffer.jpg (23904 bytes)

Stainless steel can be engraved in a unique way.
It responds to the laser by turning black. The mark
penetrates the surface and changes the color for a very nice

This is another example of stainless steel.
The bull was scanned from artwork provided by
the customer. The rest of the graphic and text was handled
in house by our graphics department.

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