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Carbon Graphite
Hardened Steel


Examples Of Our Work

We have the capability to engrave in a variety of materials from hardened cavity blocks to graphite electrodes and many other materials.

We can engrave text and logos, from:
Auto Cad .DXF, DWG, & IGS files.
Graphics files from Adobe Illustrator and Corel Draw

We can create usable files from your .BMP, .JPG, .GIF file formats. We can also scan camera ready artwork.

Images are placed in precise location per blue print specifications. We now have the ability to import your electronic cad file directly to our software and engrave multiple positions at once.
Images can be engraved forward, mirrored, sunken, or standing. Character height as small as .016 with corner radius' as small as .0015.

We offer quick turnaround with competitive pricing.
Free cost estimate provided upon