K&A ANIMATION1.gif (39359 bytes)

Carbon Graphite
Hardened Steel


Above is an example of a carbon graphite
electrode. As the pencil indicates these are
small characters the line above A2 which reads
>(PA6+PA66)-GF20< measures only .025
high and is just under .250 in length. The
material was relieved away to a depth of .011.

Scalability is another strong feature. At K&A Engraving we can engrave your logos and
text to just about any height desired. The recycling symbols above are shown in multiple
sizes engraved into this piece of graphite .010 deep.
While some curved surfaces can present problems
many times we are able to engrave curved
surfaces with excellent results.
Another example of a logo that was sent to us via e-mail. Relief engraved, approx. size
of electrode 2.0 X .750


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